IM Capture Modes

IM Capture Modes

FlexiSPY can capture IM's in the following ways
Native Mode
The features you get in Native Mode depend on the installation you choose.

Advanced Installation

This requires that the phone be rooted and offers the ability to
  1. See both sides of the conversation
  2. Capture attachments such as
    1. Videos
    2. Photos
    3. Voice files
  3. Search the chat for keywords
  4. Receive alerts when certain keywords appear
  5. Native mode is only available for certain IMs

Basic Installation

This is a Basic Feature and offers the ability to
  1. See both sides of the conversation
  2. Search the chat for keywords
  3. Receive alerts when certain keywords appear
Appshot Mode
This is our App Screenshots Feature which takes a picture of the screen every time a change occurs. You can then replay the IM session as a series of pictures. This means you can see both sides of the conversation
  1. It does not offer keyword search alerts or downloading of attachments.
  2. Learn how to setup Appshot mode
Partial Mode
This is our Keylogger Feature and offers the ability to
  1. Read outgoing messages only
  2. Receive alerts when certain keywords appear