How Do I Delete My Data?

How Do I Delete My Data?

Data deletion is permanent and cannot be recovered
 We strongly recommend you delete data as frequently as possible. This improves performance as well as enhances data security. 

There are three ways to delete your data.
  1. Bin Tool
  2. Automatic Data Deletion
  3. Deactivating the Client 
  4. Deleting your Accont 

Bin Tool

Individual data events can also be deleted as needed for most events from inside your portal using the Bin tool    which allows for bulk or individual event deletion (Exceptions are Contacts, Installed Apps, and Bookmarks)

Here is an example.

Automatic Data Deletion

As per our Data Retention Policy, any device data older than 3 months is automatically deleted. For this reason, you may wish to use our downloader application to copy any data you want to your local storage.

Deactivating the Client

You can also delete device data anytime by deactivating the client. This can be done on the device or inside your portal.

Deleting your Account 

You can also delete your entire account which also removes your email address. Contact support to request this.