FlexiSPY Data Retention Policy

FlexiSPY Data Retention Policy

FlexiSPY Data Deletion Policies

In the interest of security, FlexiSPY aggressively removes any data that is no longer of use to the customer. We encourage customers to frequently download their data to local storage as the internet is a wild and dangerous place. Here are some of the measures we have take to ensure your security
  1. For active accounts, only data for the previous 90 days. Data older than this is automatically deleted. Please use our downloader application to copy any data you want to your local storage
  2. Device data can be deleted at any time by the customer by deactivating the client. This can be done on the device or inside the customer portal
  3. The customer can also delete their account which also removes their email address. Contact support to request this
  4. Data deletion is permanent and cannot be recovered