How To Enable 2FA

How To Enable 2FA

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security for your online accounts, including FlexiSPY. We recommend that you enable 2FA for added protection.

After you enable 2FA, when you login to FlexiSPY with your account password, you'll be prompted for a one-time code generated by the 2FA app on your phone

This means that even if someone else gets your password, they won't be able to log in to your FlexiSPY account unless they also have access to your phone.

To enable 2FA, watch this video, or follow the steps below

What We Need to Do

  1. Configure an authenticator application with your FlexiSPY account
  2. Login to your account using the 2FA code 

You Will Need

  1. Your FlexiSPY log-in credentials to access your online portal
  2. A device with an authenticator app installed
    1. In this video, we will use Authy, available for Android and iPhone
    2. You can also use any other popular 2FA application, such as Google Authenticator, but the steps may differ slightly
    3. If you haven't already, install Authy on your phone using the Google Play, or Apple App Store
    4. Then make sure to backup your Authy by going to Accounts > Enable Authenticator Backups and following the instructions

How To Enable 2FA

Open Paring Code in FlexiSPY Account

  1. Login to your FlexiSPY Portal
  2. Go to the Account Page > 2-Factor Authentication > Enable
  3. A QR code will appear

Pair Authenticator App with FlexiSPY Account

  1. On your phone, open the authenticator app
  2. Tap the plus sign to open the camera
  3. Hold your phone over the QR code
  4. Click done
  5. Find the authenticator code generated on the phone and type it into the Portal prompt, along with your password
  6. Done!

Test it out

  1. Logout of the portal
  2. Attempt to login again
  3. You will be prompted to enter a 2FA code
    1. Open your authenticator app on your phone
    2. Find the 2FA code and type it into the portal prompt
    3. Success!

Enjoy added security and peace of mind.