How To Buy Cryptocurrency

How To Buy Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies can be bought from several places. Here are our recommendations

Purchase by Credit Card

Recommended For USA Customers
  1. Coinbase
  1. Blockchain
Recommended For EU Customers
  1. Bitpanda
  1. Coinbase
  2. Bitstamp
  3. Coincorner
Recommended For Turkish Customers
  1. Bitpanda
Recommended  For Rest of the World
  1. Coinbase is supported in 100+ Countries. Check if yours is supported  here
Or you can do a google search —  "How to buy Cryptocurrency with Credit Card in my country?"

Purchase Using Cash (Accepts PayPal or WireTransfer)

Recommended For Everyone
  1. LocalBitcoins  ( Read tutorial )
Or you can do a google search —  "Which exchanges can I buy Bitcoin with by bank transfer in my country?"
  1. See Cryptocurrencies that FlexiSPY supports here
  2. Once you have Cryptocurrency in your wallet you can buy FlexiSPY with Cryptocurrency
Due to restrictions, do not use the new PayPal service to hold your Bitcoin directly