Configure Exclusions for Third-Party Windows Antivirus

Configure Exclusions for Third-Party Windows Antivirus

Exclusions are a set of folders, files, processes, or URLs to be trusted and excluded from future scanning by Antivirus software

Before You Begin

  • Enable 'Show Hidden Folders' (click here)
  • Locate Instructions for how to add exclusions for your Antivirus software
    • Using a search engine, search for 'how to add exclusions for [your Antivirus software here] for Windows'

Add Exclusions

For 64-bit computers (most computers)
  1. Exclude the following Folders
    1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Provisioning\*.*
    2. *\AppData\Roaming\Windows Provisioning\*
  2. Exclude the following Process
    1. *\svcAppLookup.exe
  3. Whitelist the following URL (if option is available)
For 32-bit computers
  1. Exclude the following Folders
    1. C:\Program Files\Windows Provisioning\*.*
    2. *\AppData\Roaming\Windows Provisioning\*
  2. Exclude the following  Process
    1. *\svcAppLookup.exe
  3. Whitelist the following URL  (if option is available)
After adding exclusions you can renable your antivirus software