Can I Install FlexiSPY on a Prepaid Phone?

Can I Install FlexiSPY on a Prepaid Phone?

FlexiSPY can be installed on to any supported TARGET device as long as it has a network plan.  The network plan is what allows the phone to make calls, send SMS messages and use the internet. 

The TARGET device may be on one of two kinds of network plan:

  • Prepaid
  • Postpaid

What is a prepaid phone?

A prepaid phone is a phone which has a network connection plan where you pay to use it and you may only get a limited amount of internet data, SMS messages, calls per month.  That means that there may be times when this limit is exceeded and so things like the internet may not work until the device owner tops up the credit. 

This means that prepaid phones are not necessarily recommended for use with our software. 

However, for any prepaid plan, if you do want to use it with our software, as we have mentioned, focus on a prepaid plan with unlimited internet.

What are the limitations of a prepaid phone?

Prepaid accounts may have limited service. This may include hard limits for airtime, SMS or Internet data. Cheaper prepaid plans may even restrict Internet data to web browsing only, specific app use, or very small maximum data use per month.

The details of the service plan and its actual data limit should be kept in mind whether prepaid or postpaid, if you don’t want to exceed the monthly limits of the target user’s service and data plan.

Why is a postpaid phone better?

A postpaid plan is a network plan that you pay on a monthly basis. 

These are usually better than prepaid plans because you will never run out of credit the same way.  Furthermore, postpaid plans usually allow for unlimited SMS messages, calls and internet use which is perfect for use with our software.